| 1. | In normal times my newfound prominence would almost surely have speeded my departure from government . 在通常情况下,我新树起来的名声几乎肯定会使我很快离开政府。 |
| 2. | In normal times , evil would be fought by good 通常情况下,邪恶必定会遭致正义的讨伐 |
| 3. | Both will make monetary policy harder to conduct in normal times 这两点都会使货币政策在正常情况下更难实施。 |
| 4. | In normal times will be be how 平时会怎么样? |
| 5. | In normal times , a reputation helps to anchor low inflation 要是在平时,他们能够通过自己的名誉使得经济保持在较低的通胀水平。 |
| 6. | Wouldn ' t you want him to come home from the office at a normal time every once in a while 你会不会想要他。偶尔那么按时下班一次? |
| 7. | The normal time span from filing to obtaining a certificate will take approximately 12 to 18 months 由申请日至发出证书需时大约12到18个月。 |
| 8. | Up - to - date normal time deposit rates will be available to customers at the time of application 最新的定期存款息率可于客户开户时提供予客户参考。 |
| 9. | 9 . delivering high - quality support for british nationals abroad , in normal times and in crises 9 .为英国海外公民提供高质量的领事服务,包括日常及危机时期 |
| 10. | This facility in d . m . , north of s . d . , in normal times is a fairgrounds and race track 这处位于圣地亚哥北部的d . m .的便利设施,在以往是一个露天广场和跑道。 |